This Policy does not cover, and the Company will not in any event be liable to pay any Benefits or indemnify the Insured Person in respect of, any loss which is, directly or indirectly, caused by, a consequence of, arises in connection with or is contributed to by any of the following:
- Declared or undeclared war or any act of war, invasion, foreign enemy, civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power.
- Any nuclear reaction or contamination, ionising rays or radioactivity.
- Any Nuclear, Chemical or Biological Terrorism.
- Any wilful or intentional acts by the Insured Person whether sane or insane, mental and nervous disorders, self-inflicted injury, suicide pacts or agreements or any attempts thereat, provoked homicide or assault.
- The Insured Person acting as a law enforcement officer, emergency medical or fire service personnel, civil defence personnel or military personnel of any country or international authority, whether full-time service or as a volunteer, other than for reservist training under the Section 14 of the Enlistment Act, Chapter 93 of Singapore.
- The Insured Person participating in:
- Extreme Sports and Sporting Activities;
- any professional competitions or sports in which the Insured Person receive remunerations, sponsorships or any forms of financial rewards;
- racing, other than on foot but this does not include ultra-marathons, biathlons and triathlons;
- off-piste skiing;
- private white water rafting grade 4 and above;
- Mountaineering;
- trekking (including mounting trekking) above 3000 meters; or
- scuba diving unless the Insured Person hold a PADI certification (or similar recognised qualification) or when diving with a qualified instructor. In these situations, the maximum depth that this Policy covers is specified under the Insured Person’s PADI certification (or similar recognised qualification) but no deeper than thirty (30) meters and the Insured Person must not be diving alone.
- Any condition, which is or results from or is a complication of infection with Human Deficiency Syndrome (‘HIV’), any variance including Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (‘AIDS’), and AIDS Related Complications (‘ARC’), or any opportunistic infections and/ or malignant neoplasm (tumour) found in the presence of HIV, AIDS or ARC.
- Any condition which is, results from or a complication of pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage (except miscarriage due to Accidental Injury).
- Intoxication by alcohol or drugs not prescribed by a Doctor.
- Illegal acts (or omissions) of the Insured Person or the Insured Person’s executors, administrators, legal heirs or personal representatives, loss resulting directly or indirectly from action taken by the Government Authorities including confiscation, seizure, destruction and restriction.
- Air travel other than as a fare-paying passenger on a fully licensed passenger carrying aircraft operated by an airline or an air charter company for the regular transportation of passengers.
- Travel booked or undertaken against the advice of any Doctor or for the purpose of seeking medical attention.
- Any Pre-existing Condition.
- Any government prohibition, regulation or intervention.
- Any loss or expenses with respect to Cuba.
- The Insured Person not taking all reasonable efforts or the Insured Person’s carelessness, negligence or recklessness in safeguarding his property or avoiding any injury or minimising any claim under the Policy.
- The Insured Person engaging in naval, military or air force service or operation or testing of any kind of conveyance or being engaged in Manual Work or whilst engaging in offshore activities including but not limited to diving, oil-rigging, mining or aerial photography or handling of explosive or loss of or damage to hired or leased equipment.
- Any condition which results from or is a complication of venereal disease.
- Any loss or expenses which arises in connection with or is contributed by the Insured person undertaking any Journey against travel advice (including non-essential travel) by the Ministry of Foreign Affair of Singapore or the Ministry of Health of Singapore, in relation to the country of the Insured Person's destination, unless the Journey had already commenced prior to the issuance of such travel advice.
- This insurance does not apply to the extent that trade or economic sanctions or other laws or regulations prohibit the Company from providing insurance, including, but not limited to, the payment of claims. All other terms and conditions of the policy remain unchanged.
*Please refer to the Policy Wording for the full terms, conditions and exclusions.